I’m currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Intelligent Systems Science and Engineering at Jinan University. Prior to joining Jinan University, I received my Ph.D. degree in the Department of Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong on June 2024, under the supervision of Prof. CHAN Chung. Before that, I received my B.Sc. and M.Sc. from the School of Mathematics at the South China University of Technology in 2016 and 2019, respectively. My research interests include machine learning and information theory.



  • [2023] X. Wang, A. Al-Bashabsheh, C. Zhao, and C. Chan, “Smoothed Noise Contrastive Mutual Information Neural Estimation”, Journal of the Franklin Institute [paper][code]

  • [2023] X. Niu, X. Wang, D. Gündüz, B. Bai, W. Chen, and G. Zhou, “A Hybrid Wireless Image Transmission Scheme With Diffusion”, SPAWC 2023

  • [2022] D. WANG, L. Tang, X. Wang, L. Luo, Z. Yang, “Improving Deep Learning on Point Cloud by Maximizing Mutual Information Across Layers”, Pattern Recognition [paper][code]

  • [2022] X. Wang, A. Al-Bashabsheh, C. Zhao, and C. Chan, “Smoothed InfoNCE: Breaking the $\log N$ Curse without Overshooting”, ISIT 2022 [paper][code]

  • [2022] D. Wang, L. Tang, X. Wang, L. Luo, & Z. Yang,Improving Deep Learning on Point Cloud by Maximizing Mutual Information Across Layers, Pattern Recognition

  • [2022] X. Deng, J. Chen, X. Wang, F. Geng, “Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II for possibilistic mean-semiabsolute deviation-Yager entropy portfolio model with complex real-world constraints,” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, May 2022.

  • [2021] X. Wang, A. Al-Bashabsheh, C. Zhao, and C. Chan, Adaptive label smoothing for classifier-based mutual information neural estimation, ISIT 2021 [paper][code]