In this blog, I will show you how to build your website using Hugo and Cloudflare. The theme I am using is papermod (e.g., example here) and it is builded via Cloudflare Pages. My website is here.
Install Hugo
I use Homebrew to install hugo.
# Mac & Linux
brew install hugo
# Windows
choco install hugo -confirm # Normal, no SCSS
# Verify it says something like "Hugo Static Site Generator v0.80.0/..."
hugo version
Then you can create a new site with the following command (replace myblog
with your site name):
hugo new site [myblog] -f yml
Install Papermod
Before installing Papermod, I found that I have to git init
first to install the submodule of the theme.
cd myblog
git init
git submodule add --depth=1 themes/PaperMod
Then, you can modify the config.yml
baseURL: ""
title: ExampleSite
paginate: 5
theme: PaperMod
enableRobotsTXT: true
buildDrafts: false
buildFuture: false
buildExpired: false
googleAnalytics: UA-123-45
disableXML: true
minifyOutput: true
env: production # to enable google analytics, opengraph, twitter-cards and schema.
title: ExampleSite
description: "ExampleSite description"
keywords: [Blog, Portfolio, PaperMod]
author: Me
# author: ["Me", "You"] # multiple authors
images: ["<link or path of image for opengraph, twitter-cards>"]
DateFormat: "January 2, 2006"
defaultTheme: auto # dark, light
disableThemeToggle: false
ShowReadingTime: true
ShowShareButtons: true
ShowPostNavLinks: true
ShowBreadCrumbs: true
ShowCodeCopyButtons: false
ShowWordCount: true
ShowRssButtonInSectionTermList: true
UseHugoToc: true
disableSpecial1stPost: false
disableScrollToTop: false
comments: false
hidemeta: false
hideSummary: false
showtoc: false
tocopen: false
# disableHLJS: true # to disable highlight.js
# disableFingerprinting: true
favicon: "<link / abs url>"
favicon16x16: "<link / abs url>"
favicon32x32: "<link / abs url>"
apple_touch_icon: "<link / abs url>"
safari_pinned_tab: "<link / abs url>"
text: "Home"
icon: /apple-touch-icon.png
iconHeight: 35
# profile-mode
enabled: false # needs to be explicitly set
title: ExampleSite
subtitle: "This is subtitle"
imageUrl: "<img location>"
imageWidth: 120
imageHeight: 120
imageTitle: my image
- name: Posts
url: posts
- name: Tags
url: tags
# home-info mode
Title: "Hi there \U0001F44B"
Content: Welcome to my blog
- name: twitter
url: ""
- name: stackoverflow
url: ""
- name: github
url: ""
SiteVerificationTag: "XYZabc"
SiteVerificationTag: "XYZabc"
SiteVerificationTag: "XYZabc"
hidden: true # hide everywhere but not in structured data
hiddenInList: true # hide on list pages and home
hiddenInSingle: true # hide on single page
URL: "<path_to_repo>/content"
Text: "Suggest Changes" # edit text
appendFilePath: true # to append file path to Edit link
# for search
isCaseSensitive: false
shouldSort: true
location: 0
distance: 1000
threshold: 0.4
minMatchCharLength: 0
keys: ["title", "permalink", "summary", "content"]
- identifier: categories
name: categories
url: /categories/
weight: 10
- identifier: tags
name: tags
url: /tags/
weight: 20
- identifier: example
weight: 30
# Read:
pygmentsUseClasses: true
noClasses: false
# anchorLineNos: true
# codeFences: true
# guessSyntax: true
# lineNos: true
# style: monokai
Add Content
hugo new posts/
Upload to github repo
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin [myrepo]
git push -u origin main
Deploy to Cloudflare Pages
Up to now, you have successfully set up the site locally. To allow everyone can visit your website, you can deploy it to Cloudflare Pages. See more details in here.
Deploy your site to Pages by logging in to the Cloudflare dashboardOpen external link > Account Home > Pages and selecting Create a project. Select the new GitHub repository that you created and, in the Set up builds and deployments section, provide the following information:
Configuration option | Value |
Production branch | main |
Build command | hugo –minify |
Build directory | public |
After you click Save and Deploy, Pages will build your site and deploy it to a live URL. You can find the URL in the Pages dashboard. You can also setup your custom domain in the Pages dashboard.